Time and time again, one message keeps coming through in readings. Find out what it is, why most of us don't listen, and how we can change that. Plus, find out about the new, free ME Challenge that you can join to help you feel better and raise your vibration!
Do you know one of the song lyric messages Spirit has given most often in my Akashic Records readings lately?
🎵Stop dragging [your] heart around 🎵
I've always interpreted this as the following: Pause and make time for more joy in your life.
Does this shock you?
Probably not.
When I channel this message in my Akashic Records readings, people usually respond to this with saying "Yes, I know I need to do that."
We know that a moment of joy can lift our vibration. If we do several moments throughout the day, it makes sense that it will add up to make our energy lighter and happier.
“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” ― Nicolas Chamfort
Excuses, Excuses
Just doing something we love each day should be easy. But why don't we find time for joy every day?
Think of it in the morning, but by bedtime we're too tired or we’ve forgotten to make time for it
Other priorities take precedent and we feel like we shouldn’t take a quick break for something joyful or fun until we’re done
Put other people's joy before our own
Feel we're too old to do things like color with crayons or build a card tower
Habitually scroll through social media on our phone in our free time instead even though it often leaves us feeling no better than before we started
And the excuses could go on. "We’ll do it later," we tell ourselves. "It’s not a big deal to put it off," we think. I get it. I’m guilty of making all these excuses, too.
But days go by and we don’t make the time to do something unless it's scheduled on our calendar with friends or family. These days, with lots of heaviness around, it is so important to pause and make the time for yourself every day. It only takes a few minutes.
Joy Guides
Years ago, I learned we each have our own joy guide near us. Each joy guide is a spiritual, childlike energetic being that tries to boost our morale and happiness. In a recent Spirit Guide course, our homework instructed us to connect with our joy guides daily. Each morning, I set an intention for the day of how I would bring joy into my day. Sometimes it was a quick activity, other days it was something longer. It was fun to do! Whether it was coloring a mandala, dancing to a song in the kitchen, or going on the swing at a park, I noticed my mood improved. It was fun to hear the things the others did, too, like blowing bubbles, playing hopscotch, enjoying a new herbal tea, painting, and buying fresh flowers.
The point I learned is that it can be simple, but so effective at bringing a little happiness into the day. You don't have to connect with a joy guide to do it. It doesn’t have to take much time. Skip into the kitchen for lunch. Sing at the top of your lungs in the shower.
New Moon, New M.E. Joy Challenge
The new moon is a perfect time to start your new “joy habit” in your life. New intentions like this get a little extra “umph” when you begin them on the new moon. This new moon is the ideal time to kick things off! Of course, you can begin ANY time. The important thing is to just take that first step to do something joyful today. It's the quick hack to make you feel better!
Having trouble coming up with ideas of things to do? I’ve created a free, downloadable M.E. Joy Challenge chart pdf to for you with fun ways to incorporate joy. It's a way to make tracking your joy easier.
Pick one to do each day in ANY order
Color it in or 'X' it out when you’re done
Use the blank M.E. Joy Challenge chart to personalize with your own ideas or record activities after you do them
Rate them afterwards on a scale of 1-10 of how they made you feel so you know which ones to include the next cycle
Tag your joyful moments with the hashtag #MEjoy so our M.E. tribe can see ways you're finding joy this moon cycle and get inspired.
As a bonus, take notes on the chart or keep a tiny joy journal of things you did or unexpected instances that made you smile, so you can look back on it when you’re feeling low.
Let's see if it becomes a habit of routinely incorporating joy into your life! My bet is your outlook and mood will have improved by the next moon cycle, too. Your vibration will be higher. And who doesn't want that?
So, how will you find a little joy today?
Get the M.E. Joy Challenge pdf here: DOWNLOAD HERE
Schedule a healing virtual reiki session or Akashic Records reading here: BOOK A SESSION
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